Jac & myself got out of bed early as we need to go down to Woodlands Terrace to Fassler to purchase very cheap salmon sashimi, a big try (abt 400gm) for only $16!! Our party menu was dips & chips, sashimi, home-made sushi, home made pizza, potatoe soup. Menu is a bit challanging cos very tideous, time consuming, I actually over run and food was not ready when some of our friends came!! better planning is needed for next party!!
Yiyi Lydia, Yiyi Linda were 1st family to arrive, next came Sidney & Sven than Uncle Brian & Aunty Lai Kuan and slowly everyone started to arrive! Ezra happily brought his friends to his room and many many toys were pulled out!! The kids had fun playing his toys & some other watching TV programs.
When everyone are more or less done with food, Ezra cut his McQueen jelly cake!! Everyone was just so eager to put their teeth into the yummy looking jelly cake!!
Happy Birthday Ezra!
Lots of kisses to the handsomest gor gor....
from Princess Rain
Happy Birthday, Ezra!!!!!
p/s: princess rain, you are looking for prince ezra-charming?
Happy 3rd birthday to Ezra!
Happy Blessed Birthday, Ezra!
P.S.wow, Ezra share the same birthday date with Jaimie?
Happy birthday Ezra....
Viv... how come no photos of the yummy food?? heh heh
Gabriel's Mummy
thank you... Shana, no lah ezra is on 4 apr while Jaimie on 6 apr.. its just that i was too lazy to post on time!! haha
sandra, too busy with things so not much pic taken... the food is so so only
Blessed 3! Ezraaaaaaaaaaa!! Your jelly cake so pretty and yummy!!! :)
Thank you mommy and daddy for making the day so special and fun! :)
[url=http://www.internetmosque.net ] audio Explanation of the English only Quran (for the first time on the internet) [/url]
Islam is intolerant of other religions because
the Qur'an condemns the other religions as false
The Creator has taught us in the Qur'an and Sunnah that all other `religions' and ways of life are unacceptable to Him if a person is aware of Islam. The Qur'an states (translation),
[3:85] And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.
However, even though the Creator has clearly specified that no other way of life is acceptable to Him except Islam (i.e. submission to Him as embodied in the Qur'an and Sunnah), He has also commanded the Muslims to be tolerant of people who espouse other creeds. From the Sunnah, specifically in the study of the Sunnah called Al-Awsat by Al-Tabarani, we find regarding those non-Muslims living in the Islamic state,
The Messenger of Allah (saas) said, "One who kills a non-Muslim person under protection (Arabic: dhimmi) will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise."
Also from the Sunnah, specifically in a report from Al-Khatib, we find that the Messenger of Allah (saas) also said:
Whoever hurts a non-Muslim person under protection, I am his adversary, and I shall be an adversary to him on the Day of Resurrection.
In short, Islam is intolerant of false ideas, however it is tolerant of the people who hold to those ideas. One historical example of Muslims living up to the standard of Islam can be found from the time of the Spanish Inquisition. During that disaster sprung by misguided Catholics, some Spanish Jews fled to Muslim Turkey and to this day, there is a community of Spanish-speaking Jews in Turkey. Another example may be found during one of the Crusader invasions from Western Europe. Some of the the Catholic Western European knights were so likely to rape, murder, and pillage the Jews and Orthodox Christians, that when the Muslims won, they were treated as a liberating force by those non-Muslims.
For more details [url=http://www.internetmosque.net ]click her[/url]
All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.
so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.
You must find out
who is our savior Jesus or ?
You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?
You may die today.
You may die within a week
You may die within a month
you may die within a year
you may die within the next ten years
one thing for sure
You will die
so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.
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