Ezra's Surpsied Playdate

A good friend of mine is due real soon for her 2nd baby & I promised to deliver durians to her anytime. So after work today, I went to buy 3 durians for $10 & brought them to her place. I stayed and chatted with her for quite a while. Her son, Janek is just 3 mth younger than Ezra. I casually asked Janek if he wants to come to my place & play with Ezra. He said "Yes" I hate to disappoint him so aft all the good byes with his mum & grand parents, we are heading home!! He even asked his grandmum to stay home, dont walk him to the doors!!

According t Fiona, Janek has not really been away from them so I was quite worried that he may cry on the car ride.... but he did well.... He played with the frog & we sang some songs...

When we got home, Ezra was really surprised. Janek too a little while to warm up to the place & children. In no time, he was playing well with jie jie & kor kor. Aft dinner, I promised them to make pancakes. They had so much fun measuring the flour, milk sugar & mixing them together. They waited ever so patiently while i cook the pancakes!! Once it was ready, they whack!!

We send Janek home abt 8.30pm, he was such a good boy. In the car ride back home, Ezra kept asking where is Janek & insist that he wants to go to Janek house!! Next time son....


This is my online journal of things, events, happenings in my life. This will also be a online inheritance I leave for my dearest hubby Jacky & lovely son, Ezra.
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