Champion Class

Children Ministry recently started a new Sunday school class for the toddlers called the Champion Class!! Instead of having many of them in the Nursery room with all the mummies/ daddies, we started a formal class for them!! Aunty Chris was the 1st to head the class for the month!! Here's some pictures of what the toddlers were doing!!
They played toys, sang songs, recite short rhymes, listen to Bible story & even have quiet time where they lay down on the towel, rest & think abt the lesson taught!! quite cool rite!!

I think with Ezra going to school, he is a lot easier to bring & leave him behind... he was ok even on the 1st time!! Ezra is quite responsive in class & think aft a couple of times, he may be talking too much!!


This is my online journal of things, events, happenings in my life. This will also be a online inheritance I leave for my dearest hubby Jacky & lovely son, Ezra.
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