Day 3 - KK

The 3rd day was also blessed with good weather. We were within walking distance to their local market and decided to take a walk and visit the market. Within a few mins from our condo is the waterfront walk. There we took some photos. Look at the cool grandpa and grandma (top right pic)!! Ezra took the opportunity to climb up his 'Sam Sok' (3rd Uncle) for a ride (top left pic).
Viv and mum went crazy seeing the cheap cheap dried food stuff like sea cucumber, fish maw, dried shrimps, dried cuttlefish, dried salted fish (by the whole) amnd many others!! They brought quite a few things. Aft that they went on to the wet mkt, brought more staff and decided to buy some food to cook diner instead. The chickens sold there were HUGE!! the size of a small turkey!!

While the mummies are taking their own sweet time 'touring' the local market, the daddies (well, actually it was me taking the excuse of looking after the children to prevent them from disturbing the mummies) took a break in the starbuck joint. Even the children enjoy the air-con and the frap!
In the afternoon, we cooked the seldom seen whole corn which the mummies bought so excitedly for snacks! The children enjoyed it even though these corns are a bit more starchy than what we are used to.
Dinner was at a local seafood 'resturant' (more like a coffeeshop type) which we travelled for around 30mins looking for it. But thankfully, the food was Goooood! Look at the satisfied facial expression and you can almost taste it yourself, right? =)
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This is my online journal of things, events, happenings in my life. This will also be a online inheritance I leave for my dearest hubby Jacky & lovely son, Ezra.
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