1st Swimming Lesson

Jac blogged abt Ezra being more confident in the waters and nowadays when we asked if he wants to go for swimming lessons, he would readily says "YES, I am ready" With that I called Uncle Albert who is the swim coach for many of my sis kids and we decided to let Ezra try out his class on Tuesday.

I was prep talking to Ezra about what to expect (although i don't really know much) and how to respond when water gets into his eyes, ears, face etc. We arrived at the pool about 5.10pm thinking that he can dip dip in the pool and get use to it. But Ezra refused the adult pool and only wanted to stay in the waddling pool.

At 5.25, Albert came, introduced him to Ezra and class started at 5.30pm. Ezra listen and obediently sat at the pool's edge took instructions from Albert. 3 very important moves, "Bend, open, close" Ezra had to do.

After a while, its time to hit the waters!! Ezra cling on to Albert as he showed him how to move in the waters
After that, Ezra went on to using the kicking board and swam across pool!! The highlight came when Ezra had to dip head into the waters! Uncle Albert held on to him and dipped head in together!! Ezra did very well, did not cry but immediately took off his goggles and wiped off the water on his face!! Ezra had 2 dips and when Albert asked him to dip the 3rd time, he said "No, I don't want!!" Well it was a very good start to swimming and I am not expecting to be a swimmer but for him to enjoy and pick up an interest and life skill!! My boy, mummy and daddy are so proud of you!


Angie said...

Ezra did well!!!! At least he didnt cry like Jaimie!!! Jaimie hated the dipping in the water part too.

stardust said...

All the children RR, Jae and Ezra are doing so well in water! Vince is not too good though so also waiting for him to grow older before can send him for swimming lesssons.

This is my online journal of things, events, happenings in my life. This will also be a online inheritance I leave for my dearest hubby Jacky & lovely son, Ezra.
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