Things Ezra has been doing

Besides driving us up the wall of late, Ezra had been keeping himself busy!!

Art Time

I had some time with Ezra this week & being so inspired by the art pcs done by RR so I got out all the paint & paper for Ezra to paint. We had a new set of paint brushes with different size tips so its very good with the different objects he is painting.It looks kind of blur but after the black outline.... wow it made a whole lot of difference!!

Homework Time

Ezra's nai nai bought him a Maths book and he would want to do it. He would always say "Mum, I want to do my homework!!" He was able to do most of the sheets after we read the instructions to him. I would grade and write words at the end of each page & he got excited and goes "Yes!!" Since he is now 'hot' on homework, I dug out some penmanship books for him to practise!! We are praying that he would continue to love & be excited abt homework!!


Angie said...

wow!! how i wish my students were like Ezra!!!

wolfgirl said...

Wah wah wah....

He writes well.

And I agree... black outlines make a great difference.

Girls and boys draw different things... the plane and boat looks cool!

Anonymous said...

Ezra is so clever.... been trying so hard to get Baby G to start on colouring but he just loves to play with his trains most of the time..
Baby G's Mummy

Joyce Long said...

Wow..lovely artwork...

Hey..Ezra is lefthand dominant..

It is really a good headstart to for kids do homework now..sooner they are autorun..without us telling them to do lor..

This is my online journal of things, events, happenings in my life. This will also be a online inheritance I leave for my dearest hubby Jacky & lovely son, Ezra.
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