Since its a cooking session for the kids, I was tasked to head it & assigned whoever to buy whatever!! how nice!! I was deciding how to decorate the children's' chef hat & the idea of their name & nice pictures of them would be nice!! So here it is... mummies wearing our child's hat & striking a pose.
Dish # 1 - Fruit Jelly
Joyce bought all the fruits & the kids wasted no time to cut and fill up the jelly mould with fresh fruits... but felt so bad that there were not enough jelly liquid to fill up for all of them...

They were such good kids, no one really fuss or mind that they have less or little jelly...

Dish # 2 - Pizza
Angie bought most of the pizza ingredients & each were given a base & ingredients to cut & put whatever they like on the base.

Ezra was very creative & made a happy face pizza....
Dish # 3 - Banana Cupcake
The kids worked together & helped each other add ingredients and prepare the mix for the banana cupcake. They worked really well together.

The best part of this dish was decorating the cupcakes with icing & glitters!! They had a blast.

Oh while the kids were doing their dishes, they were like celebrities cos all the parents were busy snapping pictures of them!! 4 kids 4 cameras & 1 videocam!

The kids enjoying the fruit of their labour.
Besides the above dishes, we also had salad (thanks wolfie), mushroom soup & baked chicken thighs!! YUMMY to the max!!
We also celebrated Wolfie birthday.... Blessed belated birthday my friend.
It was a night packed with actions & activities!!
Super fun!! Thank you for all your effort, Viv!! Really appreciate it very much!
Very grateful to u.. Let's arrange such fun again!
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